Submit to the 2019 Colloquium!
DEADLINE EXTENSION: We are now accepting submissions until Sunday Dec 23rd at 11:59PM
The English Students’ Association is officially calling for submissions to our fifth annual conference, The Colloquium! This conference features presentations from English undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty members. The Colloquium offers the opportunity to share your work and discuss ideas with other students and faculty members in the English Department. The Colloquium will be held on Thursday, February 28, 2019. Please see below for more detailed info!
Submission Information
When can I submit?
The deadline for submissions is currently Thursday, Dec 20, 2018 at 11:59PM.
Who can submit?
Are you a UBC graduate or undergraduate student? Then you can submit!
How long should my presentation/essay be?
Presentations will be approximately ten minutes long. Suggested essay length is 5 – 15 pages; if your essay is a different length, please tell us how you will make it into a presentation that will span ten minutes.
What should I submit?
Please email your essay to We will follow up with more questions! Please do not include your name or student number on any of the documents you submit.
The Colloquium has no theme, so send us whatever research you’re most passionate about. (Caveat: it has to be your own research.)
Where do I send my submission?
Send your documents to the ESA at Include your full name, preferred email address, and current level of study in the email body. Please format your subject line as follows: COLLOQUIUM SUBMISSION – [graduate/undergraduate] – [first name last name].
Conference Information
When is the conference?
February 28th from 5:00pm – 8:00pm.
Where is the conference?
The Dodson Room in the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre